Our Programmes and Projects

We’ll bring our expertise and experience to innovate and transform through new knowledge and rigorous scientific investigation.

ENRICH Programme

ENRICH (EvaluatioN of wRaparound in Ireland for CHildren and families) involves a five-year programme of research designed to help promote child health and family wellbeing early in life. The research is funded by the Health Research Board and is being conducted in collaboration with a team of senior academics from Queen’s University Belfast, York University and the University of Ulster.

PRIMERA Programme

Our new PRIMERA (Promoting Research and Innovation in Mental hEalth seRvices for fAmilies) research programme – funded by the HSE – is investigating family-focused services and supports for parents with a diagnosed mental illness and their children (0-18yrs).

SALaM Project

The ‘SALaM Ireland’ study is a collaborative school-based project being conducted with Washington University, St Louis (USA) and Qatar Foundation International (QFI) to assess the mental health and psychosocial wellbeing of post-primary school students (aged 13-18 years) resettled to Ireland from Arab-majority countries.


The COllaborative Network for Training and EXcellence in psychoTraumatology (CONTEXT) is a three-year doctoral training programme funded by the European Commission. The goal of CONTEXT is to conduct high quality, innovative research, build capacity and expertise, and foster innovative practice in the area of global psychotraumatology. CONTEXT aims to advance scientific knowledge regarding psychological responses to trauma across varying populations and contexts.

Other Research

Our other research covers a range of topics including: mental health and well-being in children and young people; disability; long-term unemployment and well-being; mathematical learning difficulties in school-aged children and young people; and communication skills for Health Care Professionals working in end-of-life care.